Augmented Reality + Virtual Reality

Training Modules + Simulations + Metaverse

Mind Your Brain Foundation [MYBF]

The My Brain Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing brain research and supporting individuals with neurological conditions, embarked on an exciting journey with DigiDrub to create a virtual reality (VR) project that would raise awareness, educate, and engage both the public and patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in a unique way.


Lincoln in VR is an ambitious project that takes you on an immersive journey into the heart of one of America's most iconic moments: Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. This innovative VR experience blends history, technology, and storytelling to transport users back in time and allow them to witness this historic speech as if they were truly present on that momentous day.


VRKure led by the US's leading cardiac surgeon Dr. Farzad Najam is creating simulations for surgeons and nurse practitioners to learn the accurate way of conducting precision surgeries and improve patient outcomes. From designing hybrid and functional Operating Theaters to conducting patient surgery processes, DigiDrub is working with doctors and nurses to deliver these healthcare modules.